Biographies or people search engines. Are the specialties below.
- Fagenfinder.com/bio/ - Fagen finder Many links are dead...
- Freality Stay away from the ads and you'll be fine. There are many search functions on this one site. Kinda lame
- Search Engine .com More links to more biography search engines.
- PolySearch - Biography Careful. this search pulls up separate windows and some ads.
- www.dpsinfo.com/dps/index.html Dead People - find out who died
- Biography Crawler - A search engine crawler made just for biographies (I do not like this but maybe you will!)
- Who2 "Find famous people fast"
- Biography Websites - Links from Cambridge University
- Library Spot Biographies Library Spot link is found elsewhere too.
- Top 100 of the year Time Magazine
- PBS Biography pages
- https://newsela.com/ - Newsela
- http://www.cia.gov/cia/ Chiefs of State
- http://www.philately.com/philately/biographies.htm People On Stamps
- British Royalty - http://www.dcs.hull.ac.uk/public/genealogy/
- Biblical Characters - http://bible.crosswalk.com/Dictionaries/
- Nobel Laureates - http://www.nobel.se/
- Distinguished Women - http://www.distinguishedwomen.com/
- Prominent Anarchists - http://flag.blackened.net/liberty/libertarians.html
- Classical Composers - http://www.classical.net/music/mstrindx.html
- Famous Artists - http://www.askart.com/ <key>
- Pipl - people finder pipl.com/