Sophomore English Teachers - Orientation options
There is a lot to cover in the library orientation. I do NEED to cover the things on the left so that EACH student has a basic understanding of expectations in the library and on computers/devices. It takes about 1/2 the period. If you want me to cover more items on the right side you will need a whole period OR, I can do that another time when you first teach one of those topics. To sign up for your orientation please use your Outlook Calendar and sign up for the Media Center lab. Specify either whole or half the period - so we can have two teachers a period if we need too.
There is a lot to cover in the library orientation. I do NEED to cover the things on the left so that EACH student has a basic understanding of expectations in the library and on computers/devices. It takes about 1/2 the period. If you want me to cover more items on the right side you will need a whole period OR, I can do that another time when you first teach one of those topics. To sign up for your orientation please use your Outlook Calendar and sign up for the Media Center lab. Specify either whole or half the period - so we can have two teachers a period if we need too.
Required (1/2 period)
Another 1/2 period
Canvas Details & Settings (teachers should have an assignment to do)
Of course you know I can/will teach any of these topics to ANY classes later in the year but at the start is always best.
If you have non-sophomores that you want me to help with any of this - that is great too, but let me get through the sophomores first!!! :)
Q. - "Why should I do this"?
A - "Because most of this is general settings stuff for ALL classes AND covers the Library/Technology policies and Olympus websites/resources for students. ALL students should have a basic understanding of these things."
Q. "Why not just do this on Chromebooks in a teacher classroom?"
A. "Students need to know who we are, where the Library is and how it is set up."
Benefits are;
Q. - "Why should I do this"?
A - "Because most of this is general settings stuff for ALL classes AND covers the Library/Technology policies and Olympus websites/resources for students. ALL students should have a basic understanding of these things."
Q. "Why not just do this on Chromebooks in a teacher classroom?"
A. "Students need to know who we are, where the Library is and how it is set up."
Benefits are;
- Students get to meet ME! :) (Sometimes this is the only time they see me and learn who I am)
- Students will learn how to use the library to support their school work.
- Students will learn how to check out Books, E-books and Audiobooks.
- Students will learn how to find out events that are happening in/at the school.
- Students (and teachers) can log in to the Library website to see what they have checked out.
- Students can learn how to set up canvas to get notification about ALL their classes.
- Students will get e-mail notifications from Gradebook.
- Teachers can e-mail All their students with one (or a few) clicks. BUT only if students have the correct e-mail in Gradebook!